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We’ve made our ‘Ethical Move’ pledge.

Categories: All, Digital, Ethics

Together, we are making the ethical move for transparent, responsible and honest marketing. – Published September ’23

We are proud to have made our ethical marketing pledge.

Here at Bnode we are proud to be taking a stand against unethical marketing practices.


We put the person before the sale.

We respect you and your privacy. We will help you make the best choice for your needs.

We communicate inclusively, truthfully, and clearly.

We will not confuse you with jargon or hide information from you. We will help all of our clients feel welcome.



We take responsibility for our part in changing the marketplace.

We recognize the need to break the cycle of consumerism. We will continuously review our sales and marketing to ensure they benefit the common good.

We count on you to hold us accountable. Please connect with us if you see us not honouring our pledge.


Anyone can do it, just head over to their website and make a pledge. But you have to stick to it.

The pledge is designed for us to start a conversation about manipulation in marketing, challenge our assumptions about how we sell, and to take a stand against unethical practices… together.

No matter how big or small, your pledge is all about making those small differences step by step to make the world a more ethical place.


So visit today to make your pledge towards a more ethical future, and if you are interested to learn more about how you can pledge to be more ethically sound with your digital assets, projects and marketing, please get in touch with us via the form below.