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We’ve made our ‘All Hands In’ pledge.

Categories: All, Environmental, Ethics

Taking climate change into our own hands and making a pledge for a better future by committing to making fundamental changes to the way we work. – Published October ’22

Chris, MD of Bnode, is proud to have pledged to taking climate change into his own hands.

Here at Bnode we are committed to responding to the climate crisis and assisting others by raising awareness of the carbon footprints of digital assets and operations.

As Bnode are based in Huddersfield, it just made sense to be involved in The West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership movement and to support this new campaign to encourage people to become more aware of how their personal actions have a direct impact on sustainability.

allhandsin-pledge Chris Naylor I pledge to promote though Bnode Ltd, that organisations can have strong ethical values while also growing their profits. That Ethical and Environmental Digital Marketing should be 'the norm' and that the time for this is right now. It’s Digital Done Right.

Anyone can do it, just head over to their website and make a pledge. But you have to stick to it!

It can be anything from ensuring that you turn off your computer when leaving the home or office, to eating less meat.

Buying products that use recyclable packaging, to working or cycling to work once a week.

No matter how big or small, your pledge is all about making those small differences step by step to make the world a more sustainable place.

So visit today to make your pledge towards a more sustainable future, and if you are interested to learn more about how you can pledge to be more ethically sound and sustainable with your digital assets and projects, please get in touch with us via the form below.